Are you considering church planting?
Maybe you’re curious and seeking discernment or simply exploring lead pastor and senior pastor job opportunities. Potentially you have a clear call and specific vision to plant a church. Either way, we want to walk alongside you and help you take the next step as you plant the church God has called you to.

The task of planting a successful Church is not easy.
When you plant with MultiplyGLR, you’ll be able to implement proven systems that will help increase the long-term success and health of your church plant so more people will have the opportunity to place their faith in Jesus. You’ll also receive:
Practical training & resources to help you launch stronger & faster
Proven strategies tailored to your approach & community
Legal set up of your church plant 501 c3 at no cost to you!
One-on-one coaching & leadership development
Financial resources to help serve your financial needs
Pastor retirement plan
More importantly, you’ll be embraced by a family of other experienced church planters and mentors, all eager to support you and see you thrive in your journey.

MultiplyGLR is the Church Multiplication effort of The Great Lakes Region of The Wesleyan Church.
MultiplyGLR is a movement of +200 churches working to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. Since our formation in 1969, The Wesleyan Church has helped church planters like you bring life change to communities in the United States and around the world. We have a 92% success rate of planting healthy, life-giving churches.
We are relationally devoted
Christian maturity is relationally driven. Yet many pastors are lonely and feel ill-equipped to lead their local church. Wesleyan churches are not in competition but committed to collaboration. We believe we are better together than we could ever be apart. One of our greatest strengths is our devotion to one another. When you plant with MultiplyGLR, you become part of a movement of like-minded evangelical churches focused on the mission of Jesus.
If you’re considering planting a church in Michigan, Illinois, or Wisconsin, you’ve landed in the right place. To get started, please fill out the interest form. We look forward to hearing from you! If you want to plant in a different state or country, we can help point you in the right direction.